The first in-person meeting of the ARCA project has just been completed!

The Kick-Off Meeting of the ARCA Project in Lecce, Italy.

On September 5th, 2024, the Kick-Off Meeting of the ARCA project took place in Lecce, Italy. This project, officially launched on May 1st, 2024, is funded by the INTERREG IPA ADRION programme.

The Lead Partner (LP) of the project, Fondazione CMCC – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation, hosted the event. During this one-day meeting, all project partners were given the opportunity to present their respective roles within the project. In addition, partners planned the next project activities, organized the management tasks, and defined actions for the dissemination and exploitation of the project results.

The meeting also facilitated a general discussion to address issues that arose during the Kick-Off Meeting (KoM).

The day concluded with a social dinner, where partners continued discussions on the next steps for the project.

The main goal of this project is the development of a system based on transnationally innovative services, designed through pilots, i.e. wooded areas, and joint actions contributing to face the risk of natural hazards induced by climate change, such as windstorms, wildfires and droughts.

The ADRION ARCA partnership comprises nine partners:

  1. Fondazione CMCC – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (ITALY)
  2. DHITECH – DHITECH High-Tech Technological District Scarl (ITALY)
  3. UNIDU – University of Dubrovnik (CROATIA)
  4. IRENA – Istrian Regional Energy Agency Ltd. (CROATIA)
  5. Anatoliki S.A. – Organization for Local Development (GREECE)
  6. MKDS – PE “National Forests” (NORTH MACEDONIA)
  7. MECONET – Mediterranean Excellence in Computing and Ontology (MONTENEGRO)
  8. UBT-Albania – Center for Modelling and Simulations – University for Business and Technology (UBT) – Tirana (ALBANIA)
  9. CAD Solutions (SERBIA)

The total budget allocated for this project is €1,763,970.00 with a planned duration of 36 months.