Α. Human Resources

  • Advisory and Support Services of the Municipality of Thermi, School years 2016-2023. Development of support actions for all members of the school community (students, educators, parents).
  • CONNECTION CONNEcting Cities Towards Integration actiON, ASYLUM, MIGRATION and INTEGRATION FUND (AMIF). Supporting European cities in developing and implementing policies for the integration of refugees and migrants.
  • REACT (Refugee Assistance Collaboration Thessaloniki): Addressing the issue of refugee housing through the establishment of relevant structures. Funded by the European Union, in collaboration with the Municipality of Thessaloniki, as the coordinator of the Partnership Scheme, and with the participation of the Municipalities of Neapoli-Sykies, Kalamaria, the Region of Central Macedonia, YMCA, NGOs PRAKSIS, ARSIS, Greek Council for Refugees, Greek Helsinki Monitor, Programs for Social Support and Medical Cooperation, and Social Organization for Youth Support.
  • PAL Network for Support of Roma Entrepreneurship. The project aims to support the Roma community in the fields of entrepreneurship and innovation within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program ‘KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices.’ It is co-funded by the European Union.
  • Ctrl+Alt+EnterPrise. Self-employment for social inclusion of vulnerable people, Erasmus + project, co-funded by the European Union, focusing on the social inclusion and employment of socially vulnerable individuals.
  • “Fighting discrimination and anti-Gypsyism in Education and Employment in ΕU” (PAL) JUST/2014/RDIS/AG/DISC/8115, DG Justice of the European Union.
  • Partnership of Youth & Citizens’ Society in Action, “We are all citizens” program, EEA Grants. focusing on prevention and combating the social exclusion of children and youth of disadvantaged social groups, young offenders and young people at risk of delinquency
  • “Local Action for Social Cohesion and Employment in Eastern Thessaloniki”, TopEKo, RDF «Development of Human Resources» 2007-2013. Strengthening employment in eastern Thessaloniki and creating appropriate conditions for the promotion of equal opportunities, remove social exclusion conditions and intgrate the unemployed, socially and occupationally.
  • «Employment Pact of Eastern Thessaloniki», TopSA RDF « Development of Human Resources» 2007-2013. Contribution to the creation of new jobs, through the investigation of local employment needs and the showcasing of the particular local development potential in Eastern Thessaloniki.
  • Local platform for the employment and entrepreneurship of young scientists in the sectors of innovation, research and technological development, TopSA RDF «Development of Human Resources» 2007-2013. Strengthening employment and entrepreneurship of young scientists and enhancing growth prospects and strategies based on competitiveness, productivity and extroversion.
  • SYN_TOPOS, TopSA. A strategy for inclusive local development in the Municipality of Neapoli- Sykies – RDF «Development of Human Resources» 2007-2013. Application of new skills improving and development interventions targeted to the residents of the Municipality of Neapoli – Sykies who lack employment prospects.   
  • “Services for the network of social care for the citizens of the Municipality of Pilea – Hortiatis «e-Help at Ηome» ERDF, RDF «Digital Convergence» 2007-2013. Creation of an integrated system for the remote support of citizens and vulnerable groups in need of social assistance and support, during emergencies, in cooperation with the existing state and municipal welfare and medical services structures.
  • LOCAL INITIATIVES FOR EMPLOYMENT RDF Central Macedonia 2000 – 2006. Employment consulting and support actions for the unemployed in the framework of the operational plans of the Prefectures of Thessaloniki and Halkidiki and the Municipality of Kalamaria.
  • Integrated urban development interventions in small scale local areas. Operation of a centre for the support of local economy: Support services for repatriates, unemployed women, migrant workers and vulnerable groups and creation of public internet access points in the municipality of Thermaikos.  
  • «Revitalising the social housing area of Finikas in the Municipality of Kalamaria». Implementation of counseling actions for the employment of the unemployed among socially vulnerable groups with final beneficiary the Municipality of Kalamaria.
  • Help at home – Municipality of Pefka, « Developing social support services » Care and organized provision of systematic primary social care of elders in need, by experts and trained staff.
  • A.S. NOSTOS, EC.F. EQUAL, « Facilitating access and return to the labour market » Ministry of Employment and Social Protection – General secretariat for the management of EC framework programs – Programme management services for programme EQUAL
  • “WOMEN’S DYNAMIC”: Women of Central Macedonia in an orbit of Professional Development, «Integrated Interventions for Women», RDF «Employment & Vocational training 2000-2006»
  • Operation of a center of social supporting services in the Municipality of Kalamaria for the support of people at risk of or affected by exclusion from the labor market,as part of the social network actions ‘Support services at local level’, RDF «Health-Welfare» 2000-2006.
  • Velti@sis: Improving health through applied IT in health centers & remote surgeries in the Region of Central Macedonia \ Β2 / LEADER ΙΙ
  • Operation of advisory centre for pupils and parents in the Municipality of Kalamaria. School years2011 – 2015. Its aim is to strengthen and support school communities at all levels in the Municipality of Kalamaria as well as to prevent and manage individual issues.
  • «Counseling and Psychosocial Support Programme» amongst high school communities in the Municipalities of Eastern Thessaloniki from 2000 to 2008. With the approval of the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs and the cooperation of the Youth Advisory Centre of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki. The programme was implemented in cooperation with the Municipalities of Thermis, Thermaikos, Epanomi & Michaniona and concerned the development of support actions towards alla community actors (pupils, teachers, parents). The aim of the programme was the socialization of young people through the management of any difficulties regarding the psychosocial processes and their learning evolution.  
  • Creative pastime for pre-school and school children of the Municipality of Micra. During the porgramme 24 summer courses of creative pastime, comprised of 22 pre-school children and 180 school children were held in the Municipality of Micra. 
  • Operational support of the Community kindergarten of Pefka

B. Energy – Mobility Management

  • LIFE “SMART”, Supporting small municipalities in their Energy Transition. Inter-municipal energy plans towards energy transition. Joint actions among small municipalities.
  • Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH), 2020-2024. provides technical assistance to local and regional authorities to support policy-making and implementation of actions aimed at promoting a fair energy transition in their territory and alleviating energy poverty.
  • Monitoring the Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) of the Municipalities of Edessa, Thermi, Kalamaria, and Pylaia-Chortiatis.
  • Energy Efficiency Plans for Municipal Buildings of the Municipalities of Thermi, Kalamaria and Pylaia-Chortiatis.
  • LOCAL4GREEN/MED: LOCAL Policies for GREEN Energy-Green Energy Policies at local level
  • ENERJ/MED: Interreg MED project aiming at enhancing and improving the coordination of SEAP’s and other relevant energy Efficiency Plans, in order to reach Energy Saving and the National targets on public buildings’ energy efficiency
  • SUPPORT/INTERREG: Focuses on the difficulties facing many European cities and regions to implement sustainable energy policies
  • TransparEnSe: Increasing transparency of Energy Service Markets
  • MER Marketing and governing Innovative industrial areas
  • RITS-NET Innovation and environment regions of Europe sharingtransport solutions
  • INVOLVE Involving the private sector in mobility management
  • Buy SMART+ Green procurement in Europe
  • Poly-SUMP Polycentric Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
  • SWEETHANOL “Diffusion of European Sustainable Model for the production of 1st generation ethanol from sweet sorghum in decentralized plants”
  • ECOMARK “Eco-marketing to promote eco industrial parks”
  • RELACS “Renewable energies for tourist accommodation buildings”
  • CITY-SEC “ Regional Development and Energy Agencies supporting Municipalities to jointly become active energy actors in Europe ”
  • BAMBINI “Sustainable and energy efficient mobility solutions through socialization”
  • CHANGEBEST “Promoting development of energy saving services. Good practice examples of changes in energy service business, strategies and supportive policies and measures during the implementation of Directive 2006/32 / EU on energy efficiency in end-use and energy services.”
  • WIDE THE SEE BY SUCC MOD “Widening the Thermal Solar Energy Exploitation by the successful models“
  • MORE “Market of olive residues for energy“  
  • MOBINET “Development of an international information network for Sustainable Mobility Transport aimed at rational use of energy in transport“
  • ENERGY 21 “Strategy for energy sustainability and the strengthening of planning for energy use in sustainable locations”
  • RENEWED “A European network of Bio-energy Regions“
  • BIO-NETT “Development of local distribution networks, linking biofuel producers with end users – consumers”
  • E-TREAM “Remote training methods for energy centres on traffic management and alternative fuels“
  • SEIPLED “Planning sustainable energy investments for local economy development projects“
  • FINANCE “Financial instruments through networking of national associations of energy centers in European countries”
  • BETTER “Strengthening the biofuel chain for local development in European regions“
  • DELTA “Decision Support Tools for Promoting Intelligent and Sustainable Mobility in Areas of changing demand“
  • TREND ” Standard training material for Buidlings energy auditors “
  • Consultant for technical, scientific and financial support as well as energy auditor for the City Hall, 12th Elementary School, Municipal swimming pool and Cultural activities building of the Municipality of Kalamaria. 
  • SEAP for the Municipality of Thermi Preparation of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for the Municipality of Thermi and energy audits in the municipal buildings of Mikra and Vasilika.
  • ΚΕΜ. Operation of the Mobility Info Point for commuters in the Municipality of Kalamaria
  • Composing the energy audits of the Municipal buildings of Kalamaria
  • EXOIKONOMO Ι. Scientific consultation for the act “Energy saving in the Municipalities of Polichni & Kalamaria “  for submission of a proposal to the programme EKSIKONOMO of the Ministry of Development. 
  • EXOIKONOMO Ι. Conduction of energy audits of the buildings of the municipalities of Kalamaria and Polichni to support their proposal for the programme EKSIKONOMO of the Ministry of Development. 

C. Environment

  • CO-PREVENT – Cooperation for disaster prevention and environmental monitoring in Black Sea Basin. Co-PREVENT European project aims to promote sustainable development among four disaster management specialized institutions in Turkey, Bulgaria, Moldova and Greece responsible for monitoring, prevention and taking needful actions in the case of emergencies in the Black Sea Basin.
  • Climate Champions – Local Learning Communities. Providing practical and educational manuals for 6 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Updating the Local Waste Management Plan (LWMP) for the Municipalities of Thermi, Thessaloniki, Kalamaria, and Pylea-Hortiatis (2021)
  • Project CIRCLE – Circular Innovation and Resilient City Labs in the Adrion Region. Promoting collaboration among municipalities, waste management companies, research centers and development institutions, aiming at the establishment of Innovative City Labs for sustainable waste management and the adoption of cost-effective practices.
  • TUNE UP – Promoting multilevel governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areas. Multi-objectives project, addressing the need for a strategic and collaborative approach to the management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and biodiversity protection, through testing and use of a governance tool involving various stakeholders, based on the experience of the River / Wetlands Contracts tested by the INTERREG MED project ‘WETNET’
  • Wat.Edu – Water Education for Innovative Environmental Learning. The project aims at providing innovative tools for experimental, non-formal (interactive) environmental education and water-focused awareness raising and environmental skill development of 12-14-year-old pupils and their educators.
  • (EM)POWER: Change the power – (em)power to change: Local authorities towards the SDGs and Climate Justice. Having in mind that the political commitment to the SDGs requires localizing the goals in cities and promoting them, the project’s overall objective is to strengthen the role of LAs in implementing the SDGs, enhance the critical perception and change of behavior.
  • Adaptation of Collection, Temporary Storage and Transportation of Municipal Solid Wastes of Thermaikos, Thermi and Kalamaria.
  • Best Water Use: The main priority of the project is the promotion of innovative technologies for better environmental protection, efficient use of water resources and soil protection. It is being implemented under the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 and is co-funded by the European Union. 
  • EYD2015: European Year for Development- The Future we Want- Local Authorities for Sustainable Development. The project EYD2015 aims to raise awareness among European citizens, with the goal of understanding sustainable ways of living, thus contributing to the eradication of poverty, the promotion of justice and human rights, and sustainable development.
  • Technical and Scientific Support for recycling actions and the dissemination of projects in ten Municipalities of the Regional Unit of Thessaloniki.
  • Environmental Education Program for recycling of packaging.
  • Planning and technical support for recycling in Eastern Thessaloniki
  • Planning and technical support for recycling in the Municipalities of Eastern Thessaloniki (Thermi, Thermaikos, Kalamaria, Pylea-Hortiatis)
  • Supporting the operation of the Sewage Treatment Plant of Chortiatis and the pumping station of Asvestochori.
  • Planning and support towards authorization of the collective alternative management system ”CAMS for excavation, demolition and construction waste, Aggregate Recycling Macedonia s.a.”
  • Construction study and management of irrigation networks of the Anthemounta Basin, Study and Environmental Impact Assessment of the irrigation network of Vasilika
  • Technical consultant for the operation of the 2nd sanitary landfill of the Perfecture of Halkidiki
  • Studies and licensing for the recycling unit (RSP) of Thermi
  • Integrated water resources management study for the water basin of the southern coastal areas of Thessaloniki and Halkidiki.
  • Planning and supporting the implementation of consultation processes of the river basin management plans of the river basin districts of Thessaly, Epirus and Western Central Greece
  • Establishment and operation of the Body for the rationale utilization of water resources in the Anthemountas water basin
  • Planning and licensing the Waste Transfer Station of St. George
  • Planning and licensing solid and port waste management systems for LA’s
  • Solid waste management planning framework for the Prefecture of Thessaloniki
  • Environmental assessments, preliminary studies and tendering documents for the sanitary landfill of Northwest Thessaloniki
  • Excavation, demolition & construction waste management planning for the municipality of Rodopi
  • Planning the recovery of the Vavdos Mines  through the management of inert waste and mine rehabilitation
  • Pilot application of the Environmental Management Audit System  (EMAS) in industrial enterprises of the greater public sector e.g. Hellenic Vehicle industry, Hellenic Petrolleum Industry,  Chemical Industries of northern Greece and publication of the application guide of EMAS (Ministry of Environment and infrastructures 2000)
  • LIFE+11 ENV/GR/000942 oLIVE – CLIMA Introduction of new olive crop management practices focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • FP7 KBBE 2012.2.5-02-FUSIONS – Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies
  • LIFE07 ENV/GR/000278 – Soil Sustainability (So.S.) Sustainable Soil Management in the Anthemountas river basin under the EU Soil Thematic Strategy
  • MED-1G-515WATERinCORE – Sustainable Water Management through Common Responsibility enhancement in Mediterranean River Basins
  • LIFE04/ENV/GR/000099 WATER AGENDA – Development and implementation of integrated water resources management policy to a river basin, through the application of a social wide local agreement, based on the principles of Agenda 21 and the provisions of Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC.
  • LIFE99/ENV/GR/000590Wastewater reuse- Guideline development -Desalination – Wastewater Reuse-Guideline development. Pilot artificial recharging of aquifers through direct injection and irrigation, for seawater intrusion control within the framework of integrated and sustainable water management.
  • INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC, 2004-04-2.1-F-041“Basins Versants Mediterraneens” Knowledge exchange, pilot project development and best practices in water resource management in Mediterranean water basins
  • ECOS OUVERTURE – «INTERISK» Interregional telematic network for risks regarding water resources in the Balkan and south Mediterranean area

D. Local Development

  • SusTourTraining, Erasmus+ KA220 ADU-SusTourTraining- Strengthening the Tourism value chain in small fascinating, Mediterranean Towns through adult education focusing on sustainability. Promotion and revitalization of the tourism sector by empowering and up-skilling tourism employees to incorporate sustainable practices throughout the entire value chain
  • WITH4LESS, Erasmus+ KA220 ADU-WITH4LESS-WITH you, we can do more for LESS. It aims to create a new community of actors in the tourism chain, by developing new skills able to support customers/tourists, micro-enterprises, SMEs, employees of companies and service providers (public and private) to actively participate in the green transition with simple and effective actions.
  • PROACTsme – Applied Data-Science and AI for proactive SME service. It aims to improve policy instruments that work towards improving e-Government capabilities, enabling proactiveness, and thus making public services ‘smarter’.
  • MED COASTING+ “Transferring Coastal Integrated governance for sustainable tourism”. The project is a capitalization of the project COASTING and aims to transfer its results to new areas of interest. Specifically, COASTING developed a multilevel governance tool for coastal areas with the aim of promoting sustainable tourism based on the principles of the ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) protocol.
  • AGREEN – Cross-Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin. The project aims at capacity building for networking and transnational knowledge transfer of the development of clime-smart agriculture in the Black Sea Basin,
  • SUS TOWNS – Enhancing SUStainable tourism attraction in small fascinating MED TOWNS. Promotion of Sustainable Tourism through good practices in tackling the cumulative impacts of massive tourism, by identifying new methods that can stabilize touristic flows without burdening the environment.
  • SinCE-AFC – Enhancing the Entrepreneurship of SMEs in Circular Economy of the Agri-Food Chain. The project aims at involving SMEs of the Agri-Food chain (production, processing, packaging, distribution and final consumption) in circular economy through the promotion of the appropriate managing and financial horizontal mechanisms.
  • INIOHOS Worldwide. Organizing online events on the topics of ‘Addressing the Energy Crisis by Local Authorities in European Countries’ and ‘The Healthcare System and the Role of Local Authorities’ (European Network of Elected Greeks in Local Authorities).
  • RUMORE/INTERREG: Αiming at improving policies in the field of regional innovation strategies by facilitating rural-urban cooperation and partnerships.
  • PURE COSMOS/INTERREG: PUblic authorities Role Enhancing COmpetitiveness of SMeS
  • CESME/INTERREG: Circular Economy for SMEs
  • IN-CLOUD/ERASMUS+: Innovation in the Cloud bridging Universities and Businesses
  • Technical support for the Municipality of Thermi and Pilea Hortiatis for the implementation of the development of an internet node for the provision of geographical information and related services to local authorities agencies, scientists, citizens and businesses in the municipalities of Thermi and Pilea- Hortiatis.  RDF 2006-2013  
  • MER/MED, Marketing and govERning innovative industrial areas
  • LEONARDO/ SmartPA.Smarter EU Public Administrations
  • ECOMARC/MEDEco-marketing to promote Eco-industrial Parks
  • SEE – AsviLoc+Agency Supporting Value of Innovation System in Regional and Local Economies
  • Operational programmes for the Municipalities of Kalamaria, Thermi and Panorama
  • Feasibility studies for the establishment of Municipal public benefit agencies
  • Operational plan for the promotion and utilisation of coastal areas of the Municipalities of Thermaikos and Micra.
  • Operational plan for the development of the coastal zone of Aretsou in the Municipality of Kalamaria.
  • Operational plan for the development of the forest park of De la Salle in the Municipality of Pefka
  • Agrotourism development plan for the Perfecture of Thessaloniki  
  • Recording of work processes, conditions and specifications for the certification of the traditional local product of “Mountovina” of Arnaia.   
  • Study for the urban planning of the New Cemeteries of Kalamaria
  • Implementation of the project “public network access points and production of information software for citizens and visitors”  in the Municipality of Thermaikos
  • Participation in the transnational project FinNetSME/ INTERREG III, for the improvement of SME access to funding programmes
  • Operational plan for the operation of the municipal recreation centre REMEZZO in the Municipality of Kalamaria
  • Preparation and submission of project proposals under the Development Law
  • Preparation and submission of project proposals on women entrepreneurship
  • Technical support to the RCM in the implementation of  the programme “HELLADA 2004”
  • Operational plan for the promotion and touristic upgrade of the cities within RCM that have Olympic training facilities
  • Technical support to the RCM towards conducting studies for the procurement of sports equipment and the completion of modernization works of sport facilities within the Olympic training facilities
  • Technical support of the European Network of Elected Greeks in Local Authorities Abroad
  • Organisation of international conferences on tourism, administration issues, urban transport and the environment in Sochi, South Russia and Donetsk, Ukraine. In collaboration with the European Network of Elected Greeks in Local Authorities
  • Organisation of exhibitions in the European Council in Strasbourg and the city hall of Frankfurt to promote the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, the European Network of Elected Greeks in Local Authorities Abroad and the Melina Mercouri Foundation
  • Youth in Europe, Annual meetings of newly elected Municipal Councilors and local administration officers of Europe (7), in collaboration with the European Network of Elected Greeks in Local Authorities Abroad