“Wat.Edu – Water Education for Innovative Environmental Learning”
The project aims at providing innovative tools for experimental, non-formal (interactive) environmental education and water-focused awareness raising and environmental skill development of 12-14-year-old pupils and their teachers.
The project attempts a multidisciplinary approach, where pupils aged between 12 and 14 will be able to understand relevant water interlinkages between different subjects: i) natural and ii) social sciences, iii) arts, iv) water technology. (as horizontal learning element involved in each subject). Wat.Edu recognizes the issue of water as a horizontal element, which can be taught in every lesson (eg water in arts, water in geography, etc.)
The results expected are:
- Relevant stakeholders (policy makers, educational institutions, teacher training organizations among others) have a clear understanding and are aware on current practices in terms of experiential learning applied through water-focused environmental education from the perspective of increasing awareness and the acquisition of key environmental competences
- An innovative and easily adaptable experiential, water-close environmental learning material (with interactive e-learning toolkit) is produced for school teachers and pupils between 12 and 14 years old
- Teachers from each partner school are equipped with all necessary skills and knowledge to be able to apply the newly developed teaching practices
- Participating students with improved key competences and awareness on environmental and water-related challenges through offering them a unique opportunity to interact and share experiences while using the developed Wat.Edu learning materials
- Serving as a showcase project and laying down foundations for new cooperation opportunities in the field allowing the extension of the project to other countries
Lead Partner: Egyházasrádóci Kossuth Lajos Általános Iskola, Hungary
- IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Kft. Hungary
- Peiramatiko Scholeio Panepistimiou Thessalonikis, Greece
- Zakladni skola B. Dvorskeho, Czech Republic
- The Water agency Association, Slovenia
- JVIZ I. OS Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia
Total Budget: 309.570 €
Budget Anatoliki S.A: 28.274 €
Duration:: 01/11/2018 – 30/06/2021
Website: https://www.watedu.eu/