

“Wat.Edu – Water Education for Innovative Environmental Learning”

The project aims at providing innovative tools for experimental, non-formal (interactive) environmental education and water-focused awareness raising and environmental skill development of 12-14-year-old pupils and their teachers.
The project attempts a multidisciplinary approach, where pupils aged between 12 and 14 will be able to understand relevant water interlinkages between different subjects: i) natural and ii) social sciences, iii) arts, iv) water technology. (as horizontal learning element involved in each subject). Wat.Edu recognizes the issue of water as a horizontal element, which can be taught in every lesson (eg water in arts, water in geography, etc.)

The results expected are:

  • Relevant stakeholders (policy makers, educational institutions, teacher training organizations among others) have a clear understanding and are aware on current practices in terms of experiential learning applied through water-focused environmental education from the perspective of increasing awareness and the acquisition of key environmental competences
  • An innovative and easily adaptable experiential, water-close environmental learning material (with interactive e-learning toolkit) is produced for school teachers and pupils between 12 and 14 years old
  • Teachers from each partner school are equipped with all necessary skills and knowledge to be able to apply the newly developed teaching practices
  • Participating students with improved key competences and awareness on environmental and water-related challenges through offering them a unique opportunity to interact and share experiences while using the developed Wat.Edu learning materials
  • Serving as a showcase project and laying down foundations for new cooperation opportunities in the field allowing the extension of the project to other countries

Lead Partner: Egyházasrádóci Kossuth Lajos Általános Iskola, Hungary


  1. IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Kft. Hungary
  2. Peiramatiko Scholeio Panepistimiou Thessalonikis, Greece
  3. ANATOLIKI SA, Greece
  5. Zakladni skola B. Dvorskeho, Czech Republic
  6. The Water agency Association, Slovenia
  7. JVIZ I. OS Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia

Total Budget: 309.570 €

Budget Anatoliki S.A: 28.274 € 

Duration:: 01/11/2018  30/06/2021

Website: https://www.watedu.eu/


1st Newsletter (05/2019)

2nd Newsletter (09/2019)

3rd Newsletter (04/2020)

4th Newsletter (10/2020)