The INTERREG project “SUPPORT” focuses on the difficulties facing many European cities and regions to implement sustainable energy policies. The EU strategy on climate and energy supports local and regional authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy policies. Under the Covenant of Mayors, more than 7000 municipalities have adopted Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) in order to improve energy efficiency and savings.

However, the implementation of the action is often hampered by various factors such as:

  • Lack of funding, sufficient and qualified human resources
  • Obstacles in designing economic strategies
  • Very low private sector involvement
  • Low inclusion of energy policies in regulatory/framework for programming (including the Structural Funds programs)
  • Incomplete approach in addressing sustainable energy policies

The project partners will work both separately and together (with the cooperation of key regional actors and the technical support of the advisory partner) for the analysis of the regional infrastructure in the field of energy policy, in order to identify and transfer best practices, to define action plans, to improve policies in the energy efficiency sector, as well as for efficient structural Funds use in the respective areas, through a more effective implementation of local action plans.

More specifically, the objectives of the project include:

  • Improve coordination and efficiency of policy instruments for the implementation of national and regional energy efficiency programs at local level
  • Reduce the implementation gap and provide more efficient use of available funding opportunities (including the Structural Funds)
  • Strengthen coordination and support of the role of regions and focus on the development of more cost-effective and comprehensive actions
  • To achieve these objectives which will contribute to energy efficiency and use of RES, the SUPPORT project combines different interregional activities through best practices and expert exchanges between the project partners

The “SUPPORT” project Partnership: Eleven (11) partners from nine (9) countries:

  • IRENA Istrian Regional Energy Agency Ltd. (Lead Partner) & Center for Monitoring Business Activities in the Energy Sector and Investment (Croatia)
  • Metropolitan City of Capital Rome & Climate Alliance Italy (Italy)
  • Gozo Regional Committee Gozo Development Agency (GDA) (Malta)
  • Alba Local Energy Agency ALEA (Romania)
  • Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden (Sweden)
  • Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (F.A.M.P.) (Spain)
  • ANATOLIKI S.A. (Greece)
  • Energy Agency of Rhineland Palatinate (Germany)

Project Budget: 1.898.731,00 €

ANATOLIKI’s Budget: 167.880,00 €

Phase A: Start: 1/1/2017, End : 30/6/2019.

Phase B: Star: 1/7/2019, End : 30/6/2021.


1st Newsletter (November 2017) Aveliable in Greek

2nd Newsletter (March 2018)

3rd Newsletter (August 2018)