“Rental accommodation scheme for asylum seekers”

The Developmental Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities, ANATOLIKI SA, participates as a partner, in the innovative humanitarian project ‘’REACT 2021’’ (Refugee, Assistance, Collaboration, Thessaloniki). The purpose of the program is to ensure an adequate standard of living for applicants for international protection, through the provision of housing, as well as the provision of support services, according to their needs and guided by the integrated provision of material reception conditions within the meaning of EU law.

REACT 2021 project is part of the program «ESTIA 2021: Rental accommodation scheme for asylum seekers», is implemented by the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, funded by the European Union and the Public Investment Program of Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, and may be borne by the budget of the Emergency Support Mechanism of the Immigration and Integration Asylum Fund of the European Union.

In the Region of Central Macedonia and specifically in Thessaloniki, project REACT 2021 is implemented by municipality of Thessaloniki, leader partner, with the participation of the following partners:

  • Municipality of Kalamaria
  • Municipality of Neapoli-Sikeon
  • Developmental Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities, ANATOLIKI SA
  • ARSIS, Social Youth Support Organization
  • Metropolitan Developmental of Thessaloniki, Developmental Anonymous Agency of Local Authorities, MATH ASA/LA
  • Young Men’s Christian Association of Thessaloniki, YMCA
  • PRAKSIS- Programs for the Development of Social Support and Medical Cooperation

and it concerns to continuing function of the existing 180 housing units with total capacity of 979 places (949places in rented privately owned apartments and 30 places in the Asylum Seekers Centre – «Philoxenio»), and the provision of advisory, supportive services apart from housing (such as information on his rights and obligations, enrollment in public education structures and processing of health care procedures, enrollment in the tax Registration, opening a bank account, social security, enrollment in employment promotion or social protection organizations. In addition, psychosocial support services are provided according to the needs of the beneficiary as well as interpretation in a language that the beneficiary understands based on the faster autonomy of the beneficiaries.

ANATOLIKI AE, participates in the implementation of the program REACT 2021, by continuing function of the existing 10 apartments located within the boundaries of Eastern Thessaloniki’s municipalities with total capacity of 54 places.