“PUblic authorities Role Enhancing COmpetitiveness of SMeS”

PURE COSMOS brings together two of the big challenges facing the EU: the need to stimulate and support SMEs and the need to reduce the weight of public administration.

So PURE COSMOS aims to improve the effectiveness of public support for SMEs by 15%, cutting costs by 10% and improving quality by 20%. Τhe project will develop highly integrated approaches to deliver these improvements and we will especially target entrepreneurs aged 25-40. It will improve regional policies through innovative new projects and by improving governance so that the different stakeholders can agree common solutions. This will be done by analysing partners’ plans through peer review and by identifying good practices that will improve these plans, studying them through Study Visits, importing them via special workshops and Regional Action Plans.

The project will work closely with the SMEs. The project’s main outputs will benefit SMEs, especially young entrepreneurs. Main outputs are new projects to implement advanced services (e-payments tools, One Stop Shop, “digital by default” models, digital-skills support) and improved governance through IT administrative solutions, regional legislation review, simplifying and speed up the launching of new businesses calls.

All Action Plans will be prepared using intense cooperation between the key decision-makers (horizontal cooperation) and between the city and the MAs (vertical cooperation). The project will also work closely with the IE Policy Learning Platform.

The project partnership includes overall eight partners from seven European countries. Lead Partner is the Municipality of Genoa; Italy. Rest of partners are:

  1. Municipality of Florence, Italy
  2. Hajdu-Bihar County Government
  3. Development Bank of Saxony-Anhalt – Magdeburg, Kreisfreie Stadt, Germany
  4. Birmingham City Council – Birmingham, United Kingdom
  5. Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities (ANATOLIKI SA) – Thermi, Greece
  6. Usti Region – Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
  7. Government of Catalonia, Spain

The project has a total budget of €1.818.572 and is co-funded by INTERREG Europe Programme.

    Project budget: € 1.818.572 (85% EU co-funding)

    Budget of Anatoliki S.A.: €147.137

    Start: 04/2016 End: 03/2021

    INTERREG Europe website: www.interregeurope.eu

    The PURE COSMOS Website: https://projects2014-2020.interregeurope.eu/purecosmos/

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    Expert Paper Birmingham

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    he Good Practice Register of PURE COSMOS is now available!
    Check here the Good Practices that partners from Italy, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Hungary and Greece have registered and get inspired!

    Pilot Action” Central Macedonia Office for micro & small Enterprises (CeMaO-misme)”