LIFE +11 ENV/GR/000942 oLIVE – CLIMA

“Introduction of new olive crop management practices focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation”

Coordinator : Anatoliki s.a.

Partners: NAGREF Elgo-Demeter, Institute for olive tree & subtropical plants of Chania, Land Reclamation Institute Thessaloniki,Soil Science Institute of Athens,  RODAXAGROltd.,  University of Basilicata, Agrotypos s.a., Agricultural Cooperatives of Nileas, Peza and Mirabello

Project budget: 3.649.373 €

Budget Anatoliki s.a.: 315.089 € (50% EU co-funding)

Start : 10/2012,End :9/2017

Website: https://oliveclima.eu/en/