Support small Municipalities towARds energy Transition

Funded under the Clean Energy Transition (CET) call of the LIFE Programme, Life-SMART aims to increase the capacity of small–sized public administrations in Greece, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain to design, implement and manage clean energy transition strategies with an integrated, supra-local approach.

Small municipalities usually suffer difficulties in taking action on energy transition, and in implementing ambitious energy policies at local level. To address this problem, the project consortium will work to:

  • activate, train, test and consolidate 5 inter-municipal technical structures, which will take the lead of the design, implementation and management of inter-municipal energy plans;
  • improve the ‘energy literacy’ of involved communities, thus creating the conditions for their informed engagement in the implementation of clean energy measures.

Life-SMART will establish transferrable governance and management models enabling small municipalities to set up more feasible and effective sustainable energy plans and to comply with the requirements of the Covenant of Mayors.

Project objectives

  • Improving the energy planning skills of policy makers and technicians working in 22 municipalities in 5 different EU countries
  • Defining 5 inter-municipal clean energy transition paths in 5 target areas
  • Triggering bottom-up initiative for clean energy actions
  • Promoting replication of results towards other territories with similar features
  • Promoting funding schemes tailored to the needs of small-sized municipalities

Project consortium

ANATOLIKI A.E. (Coordinating Beneficiary)

AREANATEJO – Agencia Regional de Energia e Ambiente do Norte Alentejano e Tejo

CCI – Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Nice Côte D’Azur

CMRC – Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale

FAMP – Federación Andaluza de Municipios y Provincias

U-Space Espana S.L.

CRAS S.r.l.

Project duration

Start date: 01/10/2023

End date: 31/03/2026

Project budget

Total budget: 1,535,675.77 €

LIFE co-financing: 1,458,891.98 €

The LIFE programme

The LIFE Programme, operational since 1992, is the main EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. It aims to contribute to the implementation, update and development of EU policy and legislation on environment and climate. For further information, please refer to the Programme website HERE.

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