Food industry and agriculture are the cornerstones of providing employment and prosperity for regions across Europe. The sector plays a key role in achieving the EU’s target of carbon neutrality by 2050 and its supporting policies (e.g. EU Green Deal & Farm to Fork Strategies). The current crisis has also highlighted the resilience and security of supply in the food systems.
Sustainable development is at core of future food systems and needs to be tackled on every level of the food value chain. Food Businesses play a key role in the transition towards sustainable food systems and need support achieving the shared goals of sustainability (e.g. the UN SDGs and EU Green Deal and Farm2Fork). As most of the food businesses in the partner regions are SMEs, they often have less capabilities and resources to tackle the development needs.
The overall objective of the FISSH (Food Industry SMEs’ Sustainability Support and Help) project is to improve the implementation of the regional policies in 5 partner territories through interregional learning and sharing of good practices. Aim is to increase business support to enhance the sustainability transition (ecological, economic and social) of the food industry SMEs with the help of the recognised tools and practises from partner regions. The focus will be on three thematic focus areas: 1. Business strategies and new sustainable business models for food industry SMEs; 2. Sustainability of the food production process and the product value chain, 3. Marketing and consumer perspectives on sustainable food products.
FISSH project is implemented by 7 partners and 1 associated policy authority within 5 regions from BE, FI, GR, PL and PT. Expected outputs and results are: 15 Good practices identified, 5 policies influenced by new development projects, revised policies and changes in the management of the instrument and 52 organisations cooperating across borders in 9 interregional policy learning events organised during project.
- ANΑTOLIKI SA – Lead Partner (GREECE)
- Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia (GREECE)
- Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (FINLAND)
- Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia (FINLAND)
- Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship (POLAND)
- Economic Council of East Flanders (BELGIUM)
- Coimbra Region Intermunicipal Community (PORTUGAL)
Associate Partner:
Region of Central Macedonia
Total Budget: 1.358.664€
ANATOLIKI SA Budget: 280.014€
Start: 1/4/2024, End: 31/3/2028
Website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/fissh