The CONNECTION (CONNEcting Cities Towards IntegrationactION) project, which is implemented under the auspices of the European network of Eurocities, co-funded by the European Fund for Asylum, Migration, and Integration (AMIF), concluded with the final meeting of its partners in Utrecht on 15 November.
Partners from 22 cities-municipalities of the partnership, including representatives of ANATOLIKI S.A. and municipality of Thessaloniki, participated and presented, as a good Greek practice, the REACT housing programme for applicants for international protection, which is being implemented, under the coordination of Thessaloniki municipality, from 2016 until today in the wider urban area.
On 16 and 17 November, the 10th Integrating Cities Conference was held, also dedicated to the exchange of experiences and views between local authorities, international and European institutions, and organisations. More effective practices and strategies for the integration of migrants at local level were discussed.
In the framework of the Conference, the agreement to integrate 5 new cities into the Eurocities network was signed unanimously. The new signatory cities are Antwerp, Pesaro, Vantaa, Warsaw, Zagreb.
During the implementation of the CONNECTION project, officials from the city of Thessaloniki (city with higher experience in integration) collaborated to transfer the know-how acquired from the REACT program with executives of the municipality of Delta (city with lees experience in integration policies) while at the same time Delta mun. was connected to the Greek cities’ for Integration network.