ENERJ is an Interreg MED project aiming at enhancing and improving the coordination of SEAP’s and other relevant energy Efficiency Plans, in order to reach Energy Saving and the National targets on public buildings’ energy efficiency. The project will develop and test a technologically oriented methodology that focuses on increasing cooperation among public authorities through Joint Actions.
ENERJ aims at improving the efficiency of policy tools and energy saving plans (national/regional energy plans and SEAPs), by studying and promoting new financial mechanisms (Energy Performance Contracting, green taxation, public-private partnerships, etc), in order to undertake Energy Saving measures and policies related to public/municipal buildings.
ENERJ will promote strategies supporting local authorities towards the optimization of the procedure of planning the sustainable energy measures, through a more efficient use of available financing possibilities of these measures.
The project’s methodology is based upon a local and international collective approach, which will enable the design of large scale SEAPs through Joint Actions. To achieve this, partners will cooperate with the authorities at local and/or regional level. The coordinator will be responsible for the design of inter-municipal interventions, will handle a request to the Structural Funds and will mobilize the involvement of ESCO’s and other private actors.
Through an on-line platform, ENERJ will strengthen the cooperation for the achievement of the common SEAP’s goals.
The on-line platform will be used as a database for the collection of data related to SEAP’s energy plans and energy efficiency measures that have been successfully implemented in EU and especially Med countries.. The platform wil aim to bridge the partners’ activities with those undertaken by the Municipalities, facilitating the organization of information on existing SEAP’s and other initiatives related to energy objectives.
Main deliverables
- ENERJ Web Platform
2. Collection of data from the target areas for the joint actions
3. Joint Actions Strategy
4. formation of municipal employees and energy managers
5. Local publicity events
6. Comparison of pilot activities and experiences
11 partners from 9 countries:
- ANATOLIKI S.A. (Greece) (Lead Partner)
- Andalusian Federation of Towns and Provinces (Spain)
- IRENA – Istrian Regional Energy Agency (Croatia)
- Gozo Development Agency – Gozo Regional Committee (Malta)
- Metropolitan City of Capital Rome (Italy)
- Goriška local energy agency, Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
- Ministry of Energy and Industry (Albania)
- Regional Energy and Environment Agency from North Alentejo (Portugal)
- Climate Alliance Italy (Italy)
Budget: 2.258.095,00 €
Budget ANATOLIKI: 257.655,00 €
Start: 1/11/2016, End: 30/04/2019.