“Change the power – (em)power to change: Local authorities towards the SDGs and Climate Justice”
Having in mind that the political commitment to the SDGs requires localizing the goals in cities and promoting them, the project’s overall objective is to strengthen the role of LAs in implementing the SDGs, enhance the critical perception and change of behavior. This means an empowerment of LAs and ALAs. LAs are consumers and providers of services and goods and they play an important role in the management and use of natural resources. They can also set up powerful examples in promoting the use of renewable energies. As the governance level closest to the people, they also play a vital role in educating, mobilizing and motivating the involvement and engagement of civil society towards sustainable development.
“Change the power – (em)power to change: Local authorities towards the SDGs and Climate Justice” increases public awareness of global interdependencies with the campaign “A good life is simple”. Posters in cities, free postcards and further informational material call attention on issues like energy, mobility and consumption. After information and awareness raising of global public goods and challenge, the project offers a wide range of activities to improve public understanding and knowledge to become actively engaged. Audio-visual materials like exhibitions on issues like climate change and difficulties facing developing countries and their peoples (see SDG 13), resource exploitation and energy (SDG 7) and the “unity in diversity” (see SDG 16) support awareness raising and educational events.
The project represents an opportunity to exchange experiences among partners of local relevance and between European and southern partners. This exchange and transfer of knowledge includes all target groups and final beneficiaries and offers a step forward to resilient and inclusive societies.
The project is co-financed by DEAR. The Partnership includes 20 partners out of 11 Countries.
Food waste Reduction Handbook (Αvailable in Greek)
RES Handbook (Available in Greek)
Rational Water Use Handbook (Available in Greek)
Activity Book on 3 themes (Available in Greek)
Lead Partner: Climate Alliance, Germany
Partners: 7 Local Authorities (LA), 6 Associations of Local Authorities (ALAs) & 6 Civil Society Organisation (CSOs)
LAs (7):
City of Daruvar, Croatia (HR)
Györ-Moson-Sopron County with 12 cities and 188 municipalities, Hungary (HU)
City of The Hague, The Netherlands (NL)
City of Hasselt, Belgium (BE)
Federal state of Carinthia with 17 cities and 115 municipalities, Austria (AU)
City of Munich, Germany (DE)
City of Nagykanisza, Hungary (HU)
ALAs (6):
Climate Alliance Austria (AU)
Climate Alliance Hungary / Reflex, Hungary (HU)
Climate Alliance Italy (IT)
Climate Alliance Luxemburg / ASTM, Luxembourg (LU)
IGEMO (11 LAs), Belgium
Klimaatverbond (158 LAs, 12 provinces), The Netherlands (NL)
CSOs (6):
Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities-Anatoliki, Greece (GR)
COSPE – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti, Italy (IT)
Environmental Partnership Foundation, Nadace Partnerstvi, Czech Republic (CZ)
Focus Eco Center, Romania (RO)
Netzwerk Entwicklungspolitik Saarland, Germany (DE)
Instituto Socioambiental, Brazil (BR)
COSPE – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti, Italy (IT)
Environmental Partnership Foundation, Nadace Partnerstvi, Czech Republic (CZ)
Netzwerk Entwicklungspolitik Saarland, Germany (DE)
Instituto Socioambiental, Brazil (BR)
Total Budget: 3.192.438 €
Budget Anatoliki S.A.: 145.251,75 € (90% EU co-funding)
Duration: 02/1/2018 -31/12/2020