Black Sea Basin ENI CBC 2014-2020
“Cooperation for disaster prevention and environmental monitoring in Black Sea Basin”
Co-PREVENT European project aims to promote sustainable development of partnership between four disaster management specialized institutions in Turkey, Bulgaria, Moldova and Greece responsible for monitoring, prevention and taking needful actions in the case of emergencies in the Black Sea Basin.
We are all witnesses of a significant increase of the number of natural and man-made disasters in the targeted cross-border areas, due to extreme meteorological phenomena like storms, heavy rains, hot waves, etc., causing floods and wild fires with serious damages. The most destructive flood disaster has happened in Kameno Municipality in Bulgaria in October 2017, resulting in the death of four people, while more than fifty families stayed homeless, bridges have been destroyed, roads thrown over with gullies in the entire disaster area. Concerning the forest fires, for two years the experts of the forestry directorate are observing the drying of the trees which is combined with the increased number of the fires in Thrace in the border areas with Bulgaria and Greece, with hundreds of hectares having already turned into ashes.
With the aim of reducing the risk of flood in the plain of Thessaloniki in the region of Central Macedonia, monitoring
and flow rate control systems will be installed in Axios and Gallikos rivers within the boundaries of the Delta Municipality. The affected population in both river basins is approximately 260.000 people. The purchased equipment will be under the ownership of ANATOLIKI S.A.
- General Directorate of Forestry Istanbul (Turkey)
- Kameno Municipality (Bulgaria)
- General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Moldova)
- ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΚΗ S.A. (Greece)
Funding: Joint operational programme «Black Sea Basin ENI CBC 2014-2020»
Programme budget: €839,154.70
ANATOLIKI S.A. budget: €152,565.00
Duration: 01/11/2021 – 01/11/2023